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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) And Hair Loss
Androgens (male hormones) are naturally found in all women. PCOS can cause hyperandrogenism – where your body produces too many of these male hormones. They affect the degree and frequency of bleeding during your menstrual cycle and can also cause acne and oily skin.
If your hair follicles are sensitive to androgens they can also decrease the growth of hair on your scalp and increase the growth of hair on your body. This is especially true if you have excessive amounts.
Follicle sensitivity is not simply ‘caught’ or randomly acquired. It’s genetically inherited and has been there since birth. If you have little or no hair follicle sensitivity, your hair may not be very affected by extra androgens. But normal or even sub-normal amounts of circulating androgens can cause hair loss if your follicles are very sensitive to them.
What can you do about pCOS caused hair loss?
Keep your hair healthy by maintaining a nutritious diet and continuing to take hair health vitamins.
Hair thinning from PCOS is treated by orally and/or topically taking anti-androgens. Topically applied solutions usually contain an anti-androgen as well as a hair stimulants.
Talk to your trichologist or scalp specialist for more specific information based on your health history.
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